Branding a global multi-stakeholder access to care initiative
Role: creative direction, writing, concepting
This initiative, comprised of 20+ biopharmaceutical companies and the World Bank, needed a brand to represent their collective efforts in advancing access to non-communicable disease prevention and care in low and lower-middle income countries.

Access Accelerated was launched in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum with CEOs from leading pharma companies including Olivier Brandicourt of Sanofi, Stefan Oschmann of Merck, and Ian Read of Pfizer, along with Tim Evans of World Bank Group and Cary Adams of UICC.
The core of the brand system is built around expressing the theme of ‘possibility’ in a way that is flexible, adaptable, and easy to use.

The web site serves as a content hub and activation center.
Social posts are opportunities to serve up persuasive data to global health stakeholders in a targeted way.